Scott Gower
EncourageMen Member
Lawrenceville, GA
Yesterday, as we do every Saturday morning, several men - an eclectic group made up of African Americans, Caribbean Islanders, Whites, Africans – people that have jobs as Judges, mechanics, IT professionals, surveyors, the IRS, car salesmen, pharmaceutical sales, and etc. – met to talk about the various events, challenges, and opportunities that we as men face in our day to lives so that we might be better men, servants, providers, priest and protectors of ourselves, our families, communities and our nation.
In this politically correct culture where the popular media portrayal of men, is mostly now based on the Homer Simpson – Raymond – goofy shoe salesman – bubbling weak idiot model, we call our group EncourageMen – where our mission is to build “strong and eternal relationships with God and with men”!
Yesterday’s presenter was a young black man that spoke about “how to face storms, trials and tribulations”. The subject was so meaningful in light of the events of this past week. This group of men sat and talked to each other, face to face, in dialogue, not in # tag lines, reduces to 142 characters, not hiding behind focus group processed lyrical names and titled Facebook pictures; but, across the table, face to face, knee to knee.
In the several years that I have participated in this Saturday morning activity, I have never heard the term “boy, honky, republican, democrat, socialist, Obama, Reagan, etc.” – we call each other BROTHER!
What is present in this group that makes this possible, the Word, and deep desire on everyone’s part to learn, receive and live that Word. While this is our mission and task, none of us believe that we are any better or holy or deserving than anyone else. As a matter of fact, most of us are more than open at just how flawed we are and how undeserving we are; yet, we pursue the Truth with fervor and diligence.
Why do I open myself up with telling you the above, not for recognition; but, in hopes that we might all come to realize that today’s issues facing our people, our communities, our families and our nations will be resolved through the works of any man, woman, groups or slogans without a willingness on our part to realize that the great command of “love your neighbor, like you love yourself” is abided by.
If you are in the area and would like to know more about our group, or come and visit please visit our website for more information: